47 Hour Firearms Training Course 2025- 2/28, 3/1, 3/2, 3/8, & 3/9


Required Course to work as an ARMED SECURITY GUARD. Course runs on a  Friday, Saturday and Sunday the first week. The following week runs on Saturday  & Sunday, usually back to back weekends.  A down payment of $325.00 MUST be pre-paid in order to receive the course information by mail. Enrollment must be at least 8 students. Register EARLY.

Total fee for the course is $650.00, $325.00 which is your down payment and $325.00 due the first day of class, NO LATER!! All start times are 8 am and we work until DONE.

Class begins Friday February 28th and will continue Saturday March 1st & Sunday the 2nd, as well as the following weekend Friday the 8th & Saturday the 9th. (2/28, 3/1, 3/2, 3/8, & 3/9)

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47 Hour Firearms Training Course Overview

The 47 Hour Firearms Training Course is for current security guards upgrading their license to work as an ARMED SECURITY GUARD. Additionally, anyone who possesses a NYS Pistol Permit with little or no training is also able to attend and receive high quality Firearms instructions and practice.


Instruction is given in several areas such as:

shooting drills
Article 35 of the Penal Law of New York State (Justification – Use of Force and Deadly Force)
tactical considerations
shoot and move
ammunition concerns
post incident trauma
holsters and weapon retention
care and cleaning
safety procedures
consequences of a shooting
different types of firearms
safe storage

Anyone attending must qualify with handguns that are 9mm, 40 cal. or 45 cal. Revolvers must be 38 caliber or higher. No 22, 32 or 380 calibers allowed. Three Magazines needed for autos, and 2 or 3 speed loaders needed for revolvers. No restrictions on ammo use for the range.

The course is scheduled as stated below noted below, but is dependent on enrollment. In the event of low enrollment, class would be postponed or cancelled. Instructors make every effort to run classes as scheduled. However, they reserve the right to cancel as necessary, for low enrollment or acts beyond our control.

Register in advance as early as possible! Office personnel will send a packet to registered students upon payment of deposit, via email. Class starts at 8 am for each day of the course, and will run until training is completed 5pm – 6pm.  Registrants pay using the PayPal link or by dropping off a check or money order at least 7 days prior to the start of class. Refunds are made only if the  student cancels prior to the first class day, otherwise payment and registration are rolled over to the next training date.


Range Qualification

Students are required to successfully pass two separate examinations in order to receive certification as an armed security guard. Participants must qualify twice with scores of minimally 70% (175 out of a possible 250 points) upon completion of the 40-hour range instruction. Students MUST accomplish qualifying score using the DUTY WEAPON and SERVICE DUTY AMMUNTION. The standard accepted target is a B-27 silhouette- standard 25-yard course of fire. Students tested on Article 35 Defense of Justification (Penal Law).


At completion of the 47 Hour Firearms Training course, Don’s Security Services will give directions on all post-class steps which include: 

New York State Change of Status form
Checking guard card status on the Division of Licensing Services – Licensee Name Search website


All students must come prepared with photo ID on the day of class (for example: state-issued driver’s license, non-driver ID card (NDID), passport, etc.). If a student does not have any form of photo ID, please call and discuss prior to registering for this course.

Check our course calendar for any upcoming classes.
Check our Facebook page for more info and updates on classes.

Additional information

Payment Type

Down Payment, Full Payment, Remaining Balance

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