Pepper Spray & Handcuff Training – October 26th, 2024


Provides an overview of the use and deployment of Pepper Spray and the proper way to handle subjects who have been sprayed and taken into custody

Saturday October 26th – 8am – 2pm




History of Chemical Agents:
Identify the various types of chemical sprays and their limitations.

Legal Aspects:
Defines positional asphyxia (Sudden Death). Use of Force situations with liability concerns. NY State Law discussed as it pertains to guards.

Emergency Situations:
Provides an overview of different types of situations and methods of when to deploy pepper spray and procedures involved in the de-contamination process.

Defensive Tactics:
How to defend yourself if you become exposed.

Mandatory OC Spray Exposure:
Students will be exposed to pepper spray and decontamination procedures upon completion of wavier.

Review and Critique:
Review of course and the training provided. Student should bring in towels and may wear ball caps.

Handcuffing Techniques:
Types of Cuffs & Keys, Control & Movement Techniques, Applying and Removing Handcuffs, Speed & Butterfly Cuffing Methods discussed, demonstrated and briefly practiced.


Class starts at 8:00am and goes until 2:00pm

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